Saurashtra To Get Relief From Heat Wave From 3rd May

Current Weather Conditions on 2nd May 2009 @ 1.00 pm.

Heat Wave condition is expected to abate over Saurashtra from Sunday 3rd May 2009 and from Gujarat from 4th May 2009. The Maximum Temperatures in Rajkot had gone upto 44.7 Degrees C. on Monday 27th April and was 43.6 Degrees yesterday. Heat wave conditions exists over various States of India such as Vidarbha area of Maharashtra, Chhatishgarh, M.P. U.P. Haryana, Punjab, New Delhi & Rajastan.

Weather Forecast for Rajkot, Saurashtra & Gujarat:

The Maximum Temperature in Rajkot is expected be between 40 to 41.5 Degrees C. from tomorrow the 3rd May 2009 till 6th May.

The Maximum Temperatures over Saurashtra will also be on decline or near normal from 3rd May and the Maximum Temperatures over Gujarat will also be on decline or near normal from 4th May.

Forecast for Rest of India:

Heat wave conditions will exist over various States of India such as Vidarbha area of Maharashtra, Chhatishgarh, M.P. U.P. Haryana, Punjab, New Delhi & Rajastan where the Maximum Temperatures are expected to be from 43 to 48 Degrees C. at many of these places till 4th May.

Forecast in Akila Dated 1st May 2009