Well Marked Low Pressure

Well Marked Low Pressure over Bihar

Current Weather Conditions

The Well Marked Low Pressure moved over West Bengal yesterday and today is over Bihar. Monsoon will be active from Bay of Bengal to North India, North East India as well as the Coastal Karnataka & Kerala.

Weather Forecast Rajkot, Saurashtra & Gujarat

16th July to 22th July: Light to moderate scattered showers on various days totalling 2 to 4 Cms. can be expected during this period. South Gujarat will get 5 to 10 Cms. while Central Gujarat will get 2 to 5 Cms. of rain during this period.

Weather Forecast – Rest of India

16th July to 22th July: Kerala, Coastal Karnataka, U.P.,Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgadh & Jharkhand will receive 10 to 20 Cms. of rain. Coastal Maharashtra, West Bengal, Orissa, South East Rajastan,North Indian Plains will receive 5 to 10 Cms. of rain. Interior Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Interior Karnataka & Tamilnadu will receive less rain during this period.