"GIRI" Nearing Landfall Over Rakhine State – Myanmar

Posted on 22nd October 2010 @ 3.30 pm.

NRL Latest wind speed is 125 Knots = 230 Kms./Hour on 1 min. ave. basis. and Central Pressure 929 Mb.

From: UW – CIMSS
—– Current Analysis —–
Date : 22 OCT 2010 Time : 090000 UTC
Lat : 19:21:00 N Lon : 93:14:49 E

CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
6.0 / 927.0mb/115.0kt

"GIRI" is expected to make Landfall around the Koungbarmia Bay Area just North of Ramree Island of RAKHINE STATE of Myanmar.

NRL Image at 9.30 UTC or 3.00 pm. IST.