Next Round of Rain For Saurashtra Kutch & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 25th Aug. 2007 @ 10.30 am.

Monsoon was active over Andhra Pradesh due to a Cyclonic Circulation over Andhra Coast and neighbourhood. This system has travelled North Westwards direction through Karnataka and will reach Maharashtra tomorrow and then to Gujarat. There is also a Cyclonic Circulation over Saurashtra Gujarat and neighbouring Arabian Sea. Current forecast model suggests that the system from Andhra will interact with the system over Saurashtra & Gujarat and neighbouring Arabian Sea giving the next round of rain for Saurashtra Kutch & Gujarat.

Weather Forecast Rajkot & Saurashtra & Gujarat

25th August to 30th August: Weather will be clearer on 25th & 26th August. Scattered moderate rain on various days totalling 5 Cms. to 10 Cms. can be expected over most parts of Saurashtra, Kutch & North Gujarat mainly between 27th to 30th August. Isolated heavy rains over some of these places upto 15 Cms. can be expected. Heavy scattered rainfall of 10 Cms. to 15 Cms. can be expected over South Gujarat and Central Gujarat during this forecast period.

Weather Forecast – Rest of India

25th August to 30th August: Kerala, Coastal Karnataka, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, East U.P., Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and South Rajastan will get 10 Cms. to 15 Cms. of rain during this forecast period. Isolated places from the above region can get upto 20 Cms. of rain durting this forecast period.