Axis Of Monsoon Trough Aligns With The Bay Low

Current weather Conditions on 24th August 2010 @ 7.00 pm

The Low Pressure area over the West Central Bay of Bengal off Andhra Pradesh coast, with associated Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation extending upto Mid-Tropospheric levels persists. As per IMD evening bulletin the axis of Monsoon trough at mean sea level passes through Ganganagar, Delhi, Lucknow, Allahabad, Ambikapur, Bolangir, Centre of Low Pressure area and thence Southeastwards to Southeast Bay of Bengal. This means that the Eastern arm of the Axis of Monsoon trough has moved Southwards and aligned with the Bay Low.

Thai Met Dept. Map shows the Low

Now the Low has a path to move on.

Southern Peninsula
Past four days rainfall plus three days GFS forecast rainfall ending on 27th August 600Z – Use with caution

Southern Peninsula
Past four days rainfall plus three days GOES5 forecast rainfall ending on 27th August 600Z – Use with caution

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 24th August 2010 @ 11.00 am.