Monsoon To Be Active Over East Coast To Central & Upto North India

Current Weather Conditions on 13th September 2010 @ 1.00 pm.

There has been scattered showers and rain over Saurashtra with rainfall amounts ranging from 0.5 5.6 Cm. High rainfall places over Saurashtra are Malia Miana 5.5 Cms. and Palitana, Rajkot & Jodia 2.5 Cms. each. The average rainfall over Saurashtra for last 24 hour is 0.5 Cms. However, since there is lot of ground moisture, even small quantity of rainfall is unbearable for Saurashtra Agriculture. There has been off and on sunlight and complete cloudy weather to partly cloudy weather yesterday.

There is a Mid-Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation North of Kutch and vicinity which is expected to last for one more day. There is a week Off-shore trough runs along Saurashtra Coast to Konkan.

The Axis of Monsoon trough at mean sea level passes through Anupgarh, Gurgaon, Shahajahanpur, Gonda,Muzaffarpur, Dhanbad, Kolkata and thence Southeastwards to Eastcentral Bay of Bengal.

There is a trough running along major portion of the East Coast.

Scattered showers/rain expected over Saurashtra on 13th & 14th and expect just scattered showers from 15th to 17th September. There will be broken cloud cover with off and on sunlight. There is no major active weather system affecting Saurashtra upto 17th September.

Rest of India:

Monsoon is expected to become active during the week as can be seen from map.
NCEP/GFS Bias-Corrected Rainfall Forecasts

Active Monsoon phase can also be seen from the Monsoon Index below

The background of all maps shown on this forecast does not depict Political boundary.