Orissa Low Pressure To Track Towards Madhya Pradesh & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 6th September 2010 @ 9.00 pm.

The Low Pressure area that developed on 3rd September 2010 over Westcentral and adjoining Northwest Bay of Bengal off south Orissa North Andhra Pradesh coasts with associated Cyclonic Circulation extending upto Midtropospheric level is currently lying over Orissa and neighbourhood.
There is an Off-shore trough from South Gujarat coast to Konkan & Goa coast.

The axis of monsoon trough at mean sea level passes through Anupgarh, Alwar, Gwalior, Rewa, Ambikapur, Centre of Low Pressure area and thence Southeastwards to Eastcentral Bay of Bengal.

Weather over Saurashtra has been off and on sunshine and scattered showers for last two days.

The Low Pressure over Orissa is expected to track Northwestwards and by 8th September it would reach Madhya Pradesh. It is expected to track further towards North Gujarat -Rajasthan.

Central Gujarat, South Gujarat, and adjoining North Gujarat and Bhavnagar District will get heavy rains from 8th September to 11th September; and Saurashtra would get general round of rain from 9th September to 11th September. Rain quantum will be given later.

NCEP/GFS Bias-Corrected Precipitaion Forecasts

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 6th September 2010 @ 11.00 am.